Mission Statement: To encourage and equip all women Spiritually and emotionally through every season of life to share Christ with others.
Verse: Having such a deep affection for you, we were delighted to share with you not only God’s good news but also our own lives, because you had become so very dear to us.
I Thessalonians 2:8 (AMP)
Samaritan’s Purse Shoeboxes
Wayfarer Caps
Ministry Bags for the Homeless
Quilt Ministry
Spring and Fall Connection Events
These events are for all ages and provide a time to come together, share a meal and love and encourage each other.
Events are posted in the bulletin and the church calendar as scheduled.
Ministry Groups:
Squares of Love Quilt Ministry
First Tuesday of every month (9:00am in the Children’s Theater)HOPE Ladies – (Heavenly Opportunities Presented to Everyone) Single and Single Again Ladies
Scripture: Hope is my Anchor! Hebrews 6:19 (NIV)-
Check out the bulletin for upcoming events or call Ranelle Hughey (864) 350-3920LinCS - (Ladies in Christ’s Service)
Fourth Monday of every month, 2-4pm in the Worship Center
Prayer, Devotion, Missions, Fellowship
We would love for you to get involved in the Women’s Ministry! Contact Rachel Yoder at 864-616-4095 if interested.