Our Strategy
Our Strategy comes from the word CROSS in our name CROSS ROADS.
C-Christ-Centered Community
Cross Roads is a Christ-centered faith community that worships and learns about Jesus together.
R-Real Relationships
We are intentional about cultivating authentic relationships.
O-Opportunities to Serve
We desire to provide opportunities for people to serve the Lord with their spiritual gifts.
S-Strong Shelter
Our fellowship provides a strong shelter from the storms of life.
S-Supportive Community
Our community believes in supporting things that transform with our time, talent, and treasure.
R-Reaching out (Am I reaching out beyond myself?)
O-Others First (Am I putting others first?)
A-Accountable to One Another (Do I have someone to whom I am accountable?)
D-Disciples Being Made (Am I growing in my relationship with Jesus?)
S-Sending out "missionaries" (Are we as a fellowship sending out missionaries?)